
 something scared the living hell out of me last night
 something was wrong with dollie's head last night
 dollie is hearing things in her head
 no voices that would be neat
 to hear voices at night that threaten her
 that's amusing, like, you know, being on horror all the time
 and horror is her thing (uh, sorry, juliette *g*)
 no voices for the doll's head last night
 just this high-pitched sound like broken glass that wouldn't stop
 finally went away as she concentrated on her ticking clock
 the sound made her go puke her guts out
 scared the living hell out of her
 what if it happens again?
 what if it comes again to stay?
 people commit suicide just because of this
 she knows for sure
 we are trapped in a cage of bones, muscles and meat
 uh let's run away
 try to escape
 i'm a coward, always have been

archangel bar, 19.05.2007